- To participate in competition, dancers must be registered for the full workshop in the respective city.
- Entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
- We strictly adhere to time limits for routines at FORCE Dance Tour. Should you require extra time, you have the option to purchase up to 2 additional minutes for any Group, Line, Extended Line, or Production at just $5 per dancer, per minute.
- Solos are permitted without involvement in a group number but must be registered under your home studio.
JAZZ: Primarily jazz technique, utilizing up-tempo music.
BALLET: Primarily ballet or pointe technique, including classical steps and movements.
HIP-HOP: Primarily hip-hop technique.
TAP: Primarily tap technique. Routines demonstrating clogging technique and style may not compete in the tap category. Recorded tap sounds are not permitted.
CONTEMPORARY: A blend of modern and ballet technique.
LYRICAL: A combination of jazz and ballet techniques to slow music incorporating emotional and storytelling elements.
MUSICAL THEATRE: Any routine interpreting a song from a Broadway or Movie Musical.
OPEN: A blend of styles. Also includes character, song and dance etc.
*Judges reserve the right to change the performance division of a number if they feel it is incorrectly placed. Please also make sure routines are family friendly and age appropriate.
- We arrive at our age divisions by averaging the age of the dancers in each routine. To determine the average age of the routine, add all ages together and divide by the number of dancers in the routine. When averaging ages, always drop the decimal point to determine FORCE competition age.
- Names and ages of all competing dancers must appear on the online application/entry form or the routine may not be competed.
- The average age of each entry cannot drop more than one (1) age division below the age of the oldest dancer in the entry. (For example: a routine contains dancers aging from 16-19. The entry may not compete younger than the Teen Division (one division younger than the oldest dancer-19).
- Routines with a dancer 20 years of age or older must compete in the Pro Am Division (20+), regardless of the average age of the entry.
- Teachers may not compete in any age category other than Pro Am.
- You may enter a routine in an age category higher than the average age.
- All competing dancers must be prepared to present proof of age if needed.
- PLATINUM 276-290
- HIGH GOLD 261-275
- GOLD 246-260
- HIGH SILVER 231-245
- SILVER 216-230
The Impact Award
The Visionary Award
Scores, Critiques, and Picking up Awards
*Early rates expire 30 days prior to the event. $20 late charge will be applied to convention and competition fees that are less than 30 days until the event.
• Hazardous props may not be used during the competition.
• Please make sure props are not too large in size and will fit on our stage. Our stage is approximately 40X30.
• Studios have a maximum of 2 minutes to set up a prop and remove props off the stage. Deductions will be taken for set ups exceeding this time frame. Also, FORCE employees cannot participate in loading in or loading out props onstage or to and from venue. Email us ahead of time if you have large props and we can go over load in areas etc. for that city’s venue.
There is no video or photography allowed during classes or competition. Not following this rule can result in studio/student disqualification. Pictures are allowed after classes with teachers as time permits. Photography after the awards session is allowed on stage.
• Registration may be completed either online or by mail. To register click here.
• Checks should be made payable to FORCE Dance Tour. Please send ONE check for all fees (workshop fees and competition fees can be included in one check).
• All returned checks will be subject to a $35 fee.
• When we reach capacity, we will no longer accept Competition registrations.
• All attendees authorize the use of their images in photos and video for any video or photo publications presented by FORCE
• No foreign checks accepted. Bank money orders must be payable in US Funds only.
• All competition fees are per person, per entry.
• Dancers may compete under one studio only at FORCE Dance Tour events.
• All mailed competition entries must be postmarked 30 days prior to the convention.
• The deadline for competition changes is two (2) weeks prior to the event. No changes will be accepted after this date.
• Dancers must be ready 45 minutes ahead of scheduled performance time as often our events run early and we will not hold a competition for a missing dancer.
• In some cities, Friday competition may be held.
• Entries will perform in the order that is presented in scheduling. Any intentional manipulation of show order may result in disqualification of that studio.
• An official entry form (photocopies are acceptable) must be filled out for each routine entered.
• Dancers and routines may compete in more than one city. See our discount for attending a second city with FORCE Dance Tour.
• Teachers may not coach dancers during the competition.
• Stage Dimensions are 40’x30′
• Doors will open 15 minutes prior to competition start time. Admission is free. The front rows are reserved for studio owners, choreographers, and teachers.
• Attendees and participants will not hold FORCE DANCE TOUR responsible for any losses of personal items or injuries incurred at our event.
• Solos are allowed without participation in a group number but must be solos must be registered under your home studio.
• Mini/Junior and Teen/Senior rooms may be combined in some cities.